HOMILY OF 14 JUNE 1981 – h. 10.30


Dear girls, today is really your celebration, party because you have heard a Pochettino by reading: “Whoever believes in the Lord's life” has life and then dies: no: he lives forever. And here the Lord speaks of his life, not only in time but in eternity, that is, as they say the people in Paradise.

And the Lord, to do this, what did? He sent his only begotten Son allowing a great mystery, to put the human flesh and become man, born of the Virgin Mary, which today is the feast of the Holy Trinity, that is God, Three Persons separate but equal and one God I do not I have for you girls, the time to talk about this: is the great mystery. And luck is a mystery. Why no real mystery would be unfortunate and would have consumed in a few minutes, what you know and go on. But God being infinite you can not know all the time, in full, but you know so infinite. And this knowledge, the Lord gives us the joy of being saved. It is up to us to be saved, but to be saved, to be able to see, feel, penetrate, understand all the time in heaven.
The truth today is that the Gospel is that with this faith, we have the light. And with this light, we believe the great mystery that today, dear children, is your own life. They say the most beautiful day of your life. It's true. It's true.

There is not a shadow of the lie, nor dell'esagerazione. Who has faith can not think of this and more, but if someone does not have faith that it would be better if they go to church because it is useless. But for those who have faith, this is the greatest day of life and the most beautiful day of life. Why? But because this is very simple, very simple, because today, you girls, receive for the first time the possibility and reality of God within you. But not only the Lord God, wonderful, most of the immense that is inside you, but your incarnation, made man. This is the great mystery, and then he took the sacrament in which there is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ. This is wonderful essence that comes inside of you. So it's like the sun, when the sun, even now, maybe do a little 'too hot. But when the sun is full of life, do not miss the light, the vegetation is as beautifully in the freshness of its strength and its fertility, the flowers are beautiful, why not? Why does the sun, if there was the sun would be a sea of ice and that was it. Now we are not destined for a sea of ice, we are destined to a sea of love and we got into this sea of love.
Santa Caterina da Siena since girl like you, from little girl like you, used to say that the Lord is the immense ocean where they live and feed the souls. Certain. Think of a kind of figure, imagination true, that the fish are of the living as a man, they are not, but imagination. Where to live? In the ocean. If we pulled out of the die. They live in the ocean, without measure, without obstacles, from a strip to another part of the ocean that more like it, that best suits their vitality and at the same time their weakness. Living ocean.

We are far more fish, and most certainly, we live in the great ocean of God who is infinite: He is the infinite ocean. It is an ocean of love. It should be 'where you are better, more where you can pray, where you can understand more, where there is a' more comforting, where you feel life, in short, where we better understood. God gives us complete freedom, so much so that leaves us free, which now gives you the freedom to receive Him glory in your heart and receive Him as food because Jesus said when he spoke to the people of Capernaum. He said: “My body is really food, my blood is truly drink, those who eat my flesh and drinks My Blood has life itself.”
You are receiving today, for the first time, the germ is infallible and eternal life, the girl child care. So, to him who understands everything, you can do all your confidences. Above all, now, learn to indulge in your arms, in your tender understanding, in His wonderful power and glory of His infinite love that is wrong when a little ', is called mercy, weakness of the heart. It means weak of heart. Then when we are wrong, the heart of God has a weakness, especially if the mistake is to children, girls, then it is a mistake child and God takes a tenderness that is like a weakness, that forgives all. At the same time when there is crime, evil decided, God takes all his majesty and defends his creation all'indicibile.

Do you think the girls like you were in the Martyrs and death, or if you like, long persecution of the Church four centuries. And as these children live? The communion of the Eucharist. There is, for example, a sample, the sample who is? Well, it proved so, San Tarcisio, which the child, who wanted with all my heart render happy creatures like him, especially, but also adults, received a small, as they say, a small silver reliquary and within, the Pope in the catacombs, that is hidden in the catacombs, called the Lord that you will receive today. And I was carrying, San Tarcisio, the preparations led to the babies, led to the martyred by suffering, persecution, from all parties. Then it was discovered. Was attacked and had the conscience to kill him diabolical killing him and see what he had in his hands. But while he killed, it is clothed with glory and became San Tarcisio, others were demons, totally disappointed because his hands had gone to the shrine, the Blessed and everything. Where was gone? God only knows where port.

So, I do not have time, but miracles at this point there are in abundance.

So, dear children, now prepared your little heart. Tell the Lord you have the will to love, that you have the desire to know him as, unfortunately, do not know and you have another wish: to hear significantly, the tenderness of His love, then that comes from you. To prepare this calmly, affectionately, and I give you this wonderful life, this wonderful food, this infinite greatness of God that there will now truly blessed by your presence and always tomorrow defenses in your good will.
Certainly, a small propositino small but important, it is logical that you have to remember your loved ones, but this is clear, which are important to you and even further afield, also remember the abandoned children, poor children, children killed in all ways, they also remember, that the Lord have mercy and tenderness for them always. But a little respect, beautiful and nice short brief: “Lord give us the grace to be always as good at the moment and always protect us in our lives from every trap and from every evil and so be it.”

We believe in one God ..