In the First Mystery JOYFUL is contemplated the Annunciation to Mary Most Holy.
The angel announced to Mary as soon as it was not, fifteen, the supreme God's will that she become the Mother of God
The Blessed Virgin is called to be part of the mysterious project dell'Altissimo for the redemption of man.
Mary, after the clarifications dell'Angelo, agrees to be the Bride of the Holy Spirit and Mother of the Incarnate Word, His wonderful and the Divine Child, as the Angel Gabriel, will be the name of Jesus
What joy of love was born deep in the Heart of the Blessed Virgin to be absorbed by Love Infinity and make the most grandiose plan of God!
It protects us and save us, please!
According to the Mystery JOYFUL will cover the visit of Mary to St. Elizabeth.
This visit to the family of Our Lady St. Elizabeth is a charity, monitoring and love.
Elizabeth, barren and old, by divine providence must bear his son, St. John the Baptist.
Mary Elizabeth comfort that recognize the true Mother of God and that, with the Incarnate Word in carrying Seno, was to sanctify the unborn John still within his mother.
It was a sweet conclusion to find the truth because the angel had said to Mary that Elizabeth was the sixth month.
It was a love of tenderness and admiration for the great mystery that began with the view to be the Baptist, forerunner of Jesus and martyr
We pray that Our Lady will visit us again and sanctification for the glory of God
The Third Mystery JOYFUL is contemplated the birth of Jesus in the manger of Bethlehem.
Apart from the difficulties and tribulations, the Blessed Virgin Mary had the joy of having the “Messiah”, the “Redeemer”, while the shepherds, warned the angel came to worship the Child and all took place in a festive miracle of Angels and the Angels by the indescribable beauty and with songs and sounds rich celestial harmony.
From the moment the love of the Holy Spirit and Mary gave the world the peace of the soul.
We pray that this peace invada all hearts and Madonna receive all the honors worthy so unspeakable and immeasurable magnitude.
In the Fourth Mystery JOYFUL is considering presenting Jesus in the Temple.
The Blessed Virgin Jesus at the temple to give all'Altissimo, and Lo ransoms, offering allowed the poor, because Jesus independent and above the temple was founded, the New and Eternal priesthood in the supreme sacrifice of Calvary so that God would worshiped in spirit and in truth by all nations.
Mary enjoys the infinite greatness of His Son, and multiplies the act of presentation of the Divine Son in a mixture of pain and love.
We pray that falls in our hearts the grace generated from this divinely generous offer.
In the Fifth Mystery JOYFUL is contemplated the discovery of Jesus in the Temple.
Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, reached the age established, leading twelve Jesus at the Temple.
Jesus is unknown, but officially, at the temple, where, without the knowledge of all there will be three days, during which he took delicate and authoritative contact with the Jewish priesthood through the expressions of His divine wisdom, this is another sign dell'amoroso interest of the Heart of Jesus for the realization of the whole plan of redemption.
We pray that each of us gifts light and love of his wisdom. |