Start is not enough.

The beginning of a work, or is covered with bright oe darkness.

Among all the works, the most grandiose, without skills, is the creation of all the finest creations is that of life itself and the lives of all who dominates with absolute detachment, is that of man.

He was born a man? ... nasce important life!

Doubly important because it is life, and because it can be terribly dark or light divinely.

The darkness of life s'iniziano with un'immorale compromise that gave the offense all the reins of intelligence, heart, determination and imagination.
The light in life begins with the merger, in truth, the noblest of all passions and with resistance to all attempts of evil.

Anthony was a life and, moreover, a life of light from the outset.

He had his moral education that had deep roots in religion, and had his taumaturga resistance which would, in addition to the laws of nature, in full realm of the supernatural.

For him, the first question was, “be good”, the second, “to resist all evil.”

Okay, it does so without equal. But, precisely because such evil the adverse all its diabolical fury.


One day, in the Cathedral of Lisbon, while he prayed before the altar his favorite, that of Madonna, the attack on Satan with a terrible temptation.

The trasalì young, pale, but again the balance bends the foot dell'Altare, and prayed to the Virgin, with the thumb, drew a sign of the Cross on the marble step.

Miraculously, under his finger, marble and still sold, as dug, the sign of the Cross, Satan disappeared while a choir of angels down to sing the anthem of victory.
Winning once is not enough!

Who has started well is half the battle: however, we are sincere, the work has to be done.

For humans, even when a life well lived is still the enigma of the sunset!

Good start and finish better, it might be the best program of a man.

Death is bad because it is a period and a beginning, and death is beautiful for the same reason.

Blessed is he who had bright events in the bud, but most blessed person who was dying.

St. Anthony took them both: that in the bud I ve said, now feel that the die.

Tired from the long hard work, the Holy retired in solitude to Camposampiero and lived there for some time.

His heart, however, ran in Padua, at the Chiesuol of Santa Maria where he had done so much work.

He wanted to return to exhale among beloved Friars i1 scent of breath.

After all, was ill and that is strong, we decided to go.

It was loaded on a cart pulled by oxen and began the journey. It was a hard go.

Antonio suffered.

All'Arcella arrived, no longer could proceed: the saint was dying. It carried weight in the small building of Clare and assisté with all the brotherly love.

All of a sudden his eye opens, lights, sets it gently at a point of the horizon. S'accende the face of ecstasy, the lip draw a smile of happiness and bursts into an ecstatic outburst of affection: he, the Holy One, on the edge of its setting and please see: 'Oh glorious Lady!

Antonio La seen, it is she, the Immaculate Mother who conquers the pain of the sunset with the light to the start of the perennial life. And see, see more, see more and more light .....

- But the Holy Father, who see it now?

- I see my Lord!

Ah, blessed, blessed Antonio!

Your life had the honor of a bright start in Mary, your hard work came to its setting in a bright blessing Help You!

Also for you, or Holy of Miracles, the Immaculate Queen, was the sweet secret of your work and your rest, and, for your intercession, our work and our rest.

Father Bonaventura Raschi