When the Angel Gabriel came to proclaim that God down on earth and the secret elected Tabernacle of the Heart of Mary, no one knew and no one had prepared to know outside of a few privileged unknown and just like the event itself .

The sibille not form a true story, and even an expectation of love for the One who is Love.

The “Passion” stirred the waters of mystery and begins a seemingly effective advertising; But in essence it is not strange that a source of hatred, blood and terror.

Nobody can say that God came to earth and that has consumed most of unspeakable tragedies. The Apostles escaped and hidden; There is only one man decided: St. John, followed later by Joseph of Arimathea, the pious women and Madonna; But everyone has the air of an immense tragedy, and that's it.

After three days there is the dawn alarms divine because God has revealed with the Resurrection that slowly digs in the heart of the disciples the way of trust and expectation.

Contacts Risen and Victorious intensify in number and intimacy. With this light increases.

The Victorious rose to Heaven and the Truth is great, so great that escapes human considerations more acute and profound.

Pentecost refines and establishes another mystery: God in us! And what gives people, and measuring the donation, grants to be in the grace and truth that opens all the mysteries and floods of joy and eternal fertility throughout life. Nothing is no more clear and more comforting for those living God, the mysteries of religion.

The Madonna, under God that carries within himself is called Seat of Wisdom, in her mysteries of the Redemption has been translated into life.

The man has only to rely on this great and Divine Teacher to get to possess the Wisdom.

The mysteries of faith s'illumineranno a light that will certainly vital certainty, love and peace.

The mysteries are light, and precisely because they are unfathomable, this is eternal and inexhaustible. The supernatural mystery that is not a road infinite light, walking through which the soul discopre the eternal beauty of God that does not end and it is impossible to understand tutt'insieme because we are infinitely limited and he is infinitely large.

By hand to the Madonna, with God inabitante in us is the eternal City of Saints.

This is the race to be run and win; The work of true devotion to Mary is just a workout and a gradual realization of this.

Next, Mary, the conquest of Heaven!

Father Bonaventura Raschi